You won't want to miss tomorrow's Hive Meeting! Tuesday (5/4) at 7:30 pm
By jim on
We won’t get too crazy, but tomorrow’s meeting will be a bit different because we want to re-introduce some FUN and:
(1) safely try a “New Normal” HYBRID (In-Person/Virtual) meeting format
(2) wrap-up the AC Fund Drive (Yea! How will it end?)
(3) stage new Hive photos to show we are surviving and thriving at 2701SG
(4) celebrate Star Wars Day! (May the Fourth Be With You)
For members who are comfortably VAXED, we want to test IN-PERSON attendance, follow Ohio and CDC safety guidelines to wear masks and maintain social distancing
For the more cautious not-yet-fully VAXED members, we encourage VIRTUAL attendance, follow the same video meeting links as last week.
For IN-PERSON folks willing to help us stage new Hive marketing photos at 2701SG, consider to arrive perhaps an hour early or stay an hour late. Be creative! Bring props and dress in PPE gear to show off SAFELY using a particular tool or maker activity.
For VIRTUAL folks who want to get in on the photo fun, be creative! It may take some last-minute prep, but we want to include your cardboard profile or decorated avatar and be just like the big leagues. No idea is too outrageous for consideration.
Bonus points for anyone who actually has a Star Wars costume and shows up for the photo shoot wearing it!
What do YOU see here?
By jim on
Driving by 2701 Spring Grove Avenue on your way home from your vaccination shot, the casual observer may say, "Not much..."
But for Hive13 members with inside knowledge on the 3rd-floor at 2701SG, the true answer is, "QUITE A LOT ACTUALLY, THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!"
Since the start of the COVID pandemic, Hive13 has been generally closed to the general public. We were growing before, and are still growing now. We have strategically used this past year to relocate into our new and improved space. Now that we all are increasingly VAXED and WAXED, we are MAXED about cautiously moving into the next new normal, whatever that may be. We were wearing masks and face shields before the pandemic and still use PPE to be safe and work safely to make stuff.
Are you itching to (safely) get back to making things with cool tools in a supporting community of like-minded makers? You have found your people at our place.
Not yet a true believer? Check out our version of the Mars Ingenuity Drone first flight with this drone fly-by video inside our new space. Ready to fly with us? Email leadership(at)hive13(dot)org for details.
We've Moved!
By Katherine J Cook on
After much deliberation and elbow grease, we have moved down the road to a bigger, better and brighter new address. Google maps has been updated, so you can find us by looking up Hive13, or just head out to 2701 Spring Grove Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45225.
Our new space has all of the tools, equipment and people that you know and love. Along with our core workspaces (including 3D printing, a big laser cutter, large CNC router, electronics stations and a vinyl cutter), we are proud to now offer: generous off street parking, no more “quiet hours”, massive woodworking and metalworking shops, a metal machining shop, paint booth, slop sinks, a huge crafts and sewing area, ceramics (coming soon), the space to make the mess of your dreams (and clean it back up), and TONS of room to grow into! We look forward to all of the amazing things that will be created in this space, and continuing to grow our maker community.
Wear a mask, stay socially distant, be excellent to each other and when in doubt ask questions. If you want more information, e-mailing leadership at hive13 dot org is a good way to reach us.
HIVE13 - Limited COVID-19 Re-Opening
By jim on
Members have been asking: when will Hive13 reopen and what is Hive13 doing to protect its members in the face of COVID-19?
Following State of Ohio directives and recommendations, and per yesterday's post on the member mailing list, Hive13 is reopening in a limited fashion with COVID-19 precautions. Members and their guests may begin returning to Hive13 any time you wish so long as you adhere to Hive13’s guidelines including those stated below and and any subsequent updates. Remember, Hive13 is a community. We need to help keep each other safe as well as ourselves.
Each person entering either Hive13 premises, whether member or guest, will:
- Follow the 5 Protocols for All Business from The State of Ohio
- Wear a face mask at all times - Even when alone!
- Stay home if you have symptoms or have been exposed to Covid19; particularly if you have a persistent cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing, or are experiencing two or more of fever, chills, shaking, muscle pain, headache or sore throat
- Use Good Hygiene and Social Distance (6 feet or more) - Wash hands (for 20 seconds)
- Clean and Sanitize - This means you wipe down work surfaces you have touched
- Limit Hive13 occupancy to meet social distancing (That means 10 or fewer total)
- Sign in and out on the log at the Hive13 door in case future contact tracing of COVID-19 exposures is needed
The risks from COVID-19 are serious. While some of our members may feel they are at low risk, others in our community have a very high risk from the virus. It is particularly vexing that some people infected with COVID-19 may not show symptoms for days or weeks or ever, but yet they are sick and spreading the virus. Others may go from feeling well to needing intensive care in a matter of hours. Please do your part to help keep everyone safe. Keep flattening the curve.
Know we've been receiving tremendous interest from PROSPECTIVE NEW MEMBERS during these past weeks of "Shelter-at-Home". Leadership is starting to take steps to be available on Tuesday nights and odd times for limited tours and new member sign-ups. Email to arrange contact.
Hive13 quiet for a while....
By Will B on
In light of the rapidly escalating COVID-19 pandemic Hive13 leadership is taking action to help protect its members and ensure we are doing our part to prevent the spread of the disease.
Effective immediately Hive13 Tuesday evening public meetings will cancelled. These changes/cancellations will be in effect until the virus situation is under control.
Members are currently free to continue to use the space with the understanding that, as always, they assume the risks of being there including contracting the COVID-19 virus from others. We also wish to remind members of our stance on "Being Excellent To Each Other" which ALWAYS implies staying away from Hive13 when you pose a health risk to others. While at Hive13 please take all recommended precautions including washing hands, cleaning surfaces, and limiting direct contact with each other. For those of us that do wish for social interactions during this time, all members are encouraged to discuss all things making related on Slack and the mailing list.
As always, take care of yourselves and one another. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation,
Hive13 Leadership