bikes A 1-post collection
Tuesday Talk 11/8/22
By Konstantinos on Under Tuesday Talks, bikes

Greetings Hivemind! Our Tuesday talk this month is from the lovely folks at Queen City Bikes and MoBo Bicycle Co-op! Here's some more info about our guests.
Join us for "All the Buzz about Bike Repairs" to learn about essential roadside repairs and the mechanical principles behind them!
Our presenters are Fraser Cunningham of MoBo Bicycle Co-op, Kathy Cunningham of Queen City Bike, and Vincent Wilson, who donates his knowledge and time to both organizations.
All three are frequent volunteers at the "Pop-up Bike Shop" series—free bike repairs that MoBo and QCB host all over the city (along with support from Tri-State Trails and Cincy RedBike). All three have been riding and tinkering with bikes since their youth, and share a common goal of empowering more people to ride and enjoy the freedom and low-cost/low-impact mobility that bikes make possible!
Fraser is a retired mechanical engineer from GE Aviation, with a passion for understanding how things work—and how to make them better! Kathy is a retired bioscientist and consultant who also applied her knowledge to endurance athlete coaching for several years. And Vincent is a software engineer who deeply values self-education and versatility, with a knack for dreaming up playful inventions and hacks in his workshop.
Check out Queen City Bikes:
Check out MoBo Bike Co-op: