electronics A 4-post collection
Tuesday Talk 3/11/25
By Konstantinos on Under Tuesday Talks, electronics

Just announced! Join us next week for a Tuesday Talk by member Dave Schwinn on the highs, lows, and hisses of caring for Madagascar hissing cockroaches as a maker.
From Dave:
Here are Melania and Stormy. They are Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches, or Hissers. Come meet them and learn some fun factoids about roaches and keeping them as pets. The discussion will also include some of the electronics projects that I am working on in order to give them a comfy place to live.
Oscilloscope and Function Generator Introduction Saturday Sept 18, 2021 at 1:00pm - Hive 13 2701 Spring Grove Ave
By Brad Walsh on Under Classes, electronics, Getting Started, Hive13, oscilloscope

Come learn what an oscilloscope and function generator are and see them in action. We will have a live demo and answer questions on these cool electronic tools.
Here is a link to a brief video we did last year: https://youtu.be/mPH9uopz9tU
91 megapixel Hive13 panorama from Pi pan-tilt rig
By Chris Hodapp on Under electronics, photography
My project for the past month or two at Hive13 has been a pan-tilt mount for a Raspberry Pi and the ArduCam, with almost everything either laser-cut from plywood or done with off-the-shelf parts. I just put up a few posts on my own blog about it:nn* Pi pan-tilt for huge images, part 1: Introductionn* Pi pan-tilt for huge images, part 2: Hugin & PanoTools integrationnnThis week, I had things working well enough to do a test run inside Hive13, and the result of that was a 91.5 megapixel panorama inside the space. Click below for a zoomable version of the whole thing (or here for a full-resolution JPEG):nnnnSome more panoramas inside the space - perhaps much wider-area ones - should follow soon!nn-hodapp
Eagle PCB CAD Crash Course
By zombiecraig on Under cad, eagle, electronics, pcb
n nnIf you’ve wanted to make your own circuit boards and turning the schematic you have on paper or in your head into a finished board is the stumbling block, this course is for you. This Eagle PCB CAD Crash course is intended for those who already know what an electrical schematic is and vaguely how to construct one – the focus will be exclusively on Eagle software NOT general electronics knowledge. The course will be an introduction to the Eagle software available from http://www.cadsoftusa.com You should have Eagle installed on a laptop prior to coming to class – both the Linux and Windows versions are fine. Creating schematics, creating boards from schematics, basic manual layout chores, the relationship between schematic and board, making gerber files for board houses, finding libraries, making custom parts will be covered. If you have a schematic that you would like made into a PCB, please bring it with you as a “real” example will be much more useful than a contrived one. If there is time, creation of solderpaste masks using the laser cutter will be covered. I’m going to try to leave around a third of the class time for questions and individual assistance.nnDate 10/12/11 n Time 7pm n Length ~2 hours n money $20 / $10 hive members (See discount code in email) n Max people: 15nnDeatils and Signup: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/2277391740nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nnn